Angel Numbers and Their Meanings


Angel numbers show up to help give us guidance and serve as a sign that we are on the right path - or to help us figure out where to go next. If you keep seeing the same repetitive numbers again and again, you are receiving Divine Guidance from the Universe and your Guides. Angel Numbers are specific sequences based on Numerology.

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Numerology, the Divine Science of numbers, tells us that each number carries with it a specific vibrational frequency. This frequency carries the meaning of the message to us to help us on our path.

When the Universe is trying to get your attention, you will see these number patterns over and over again. It's important to stop and pay attention to what they mean and meditate on this Divine Guidance.


Angel numbers work through meaningful coincidence or synchronicity. Synchronicity, a coin termed by psychology Carl Jung, is a result of our minds being connected to the Collective Consciousness. These synchronicities may seem uncanny or even slightly impossible because they continue to happen so frequently.

These events are a nudge from the unseen forces in the Universe vying for your attention. An example of this is that you wake up each night at 3:33 am for no reason. Then one afternoon you decide to go to the coffee shop and your total comes to $3.33. On the way home you see a car with a license plate number with 333 in it.

You then have a strange feeling that this has been going on for days, maybe even weeks. It's time to look up your Angel Number and see what message it has for you.


Here are the basic numbers and their meanings:

Number 1 - This is the prime number, the number of origins and the beginning of new things

Number 2 - This is the number of duality, cooperation, empathy, and understanding. It can indicate the need to see things from others' viewpoints.

Number 3 - This is the number of spirituality, creativity, and self-expression. It can indicate new venues and creative avenues.

Number 4 - This is the number of stability, work, and career. It can indicate changes in your job or business andĀ  a need to look in a new direction.

Number 5 - This number is associated with adventure, excitement, and higher consciousness. It can indicate new adventures or fun times on the way.

Number 6 - This number is associated with family and home. It can indicate changes in your home environment.

Number 7 - This number is a sign that you are in alignment with your spiritual purpose. It can indicate a deepening of your spiritual practice and greater alignment with your purpose.

Number 8 - This is the number of abundance and prosperity. It can indicate spiritual and material wealth and financial windfalls and breakthroughs.

Number 9 - This is the number of self-discovery and actualization. It is about your soul's deeper work and indicates that it is time to find and act on your purpose in life.

Number 0 - This is the number of wholeness and potential. It indicates that you are ready to face new challenges.


Repeating Angel Numbers are the easiest to notice and get our attention, so they are sent to us more frequently. Pay special attention to your repeating Angel Numbers. Check out the special meanings of repeating angel numbers by clicking on each one of them below.


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